The Complete Professor Layton Timeline
(or at least an attempt at making one)
I might want to go back to this project one day, but that will only happen after I have completely looked at every available piece of Layton media that I can put my hands on, so that I can have everything in order before making any assumptions. Needless to say, this is going to take a while.
I am still going to leave this page online in case some who have the link would still like to access it, but do keep in mind that I have no immediate plans to maintain it. Until this message disappears or changes to a different one with a more lighthearted tone, please keep this in mind when looking through it!
NB: If you hover over dates, character icons, or this kind of textLike this!, additional information will appear.
If you have any questions or criticism to help make this timeline better, do not hesitate to contact me!
I am @lutiaslayton on Tumblr, or lutiaskokopelli on Discord.
Preliminary Notes and Disclaimers
» Or click here if you just want to look at the timeline and skip all this blabbering about «
“Unwound Future takes place in winter 1963/1964” has been chosen as the original starting point of reference for this timeline in terms of year count. The source behind this is an artwork/concept art from 2008, which is present on the official Japanese website of Unwound Future, and on the Japanese & US box arts of the game.
This is a semi-arbitrary choice whose canonicity can be debated.American (left) and Japanese (right) Box Arts:
Luke and Layton are obstructing the view, but it can still be seen that the clock is the same as the one from the official website.
The in-game version of the clock has no digits:
Within the game itself, the digits have been removed and replaced with random buttons; this is why the canonicity of this date is up for debate. It has been chosen here for the sake of convenience, but it should be relatively easy for you to change the year if it does not suit your personal views.
If there is a contradiction between the translations (for example, Puzzle #030 of Diabolical Box gives a different date for Dropstone’s foundation depending on the language of the game), the Japanese version will be chosen by default.
If two Japanese sources contradict each other (for example, the Unwound Future “1963/1964” promotional artwork vs the Curious Village “1960年” datamined image), the more recent source will usually be taken as a canon fact retconning the older one unless this newer source ① is significantly less reliable than the older one (e.g. an interview would be taken as less reliable than in-game proof), or ② contradicts more previously established facts than the older one would.
I will only add a character’s age in the timeline if it has officially been stated. For example, though we know that Layton was 27 when he became professor, and though we know that the events of Unwound Future took place “ten years later,” we have no tangible evidence that Layton is actually 37 during the latter. Depending on the calculations, since it is not necessarily exactly ten years later, it is entirely possible that Layton would actually still be 36, or already have turned 38. Therefore, I will only state their age if it has been canonically given, and let you do the math for the missing entries.
Additionally, if a character’s age is officially revealed in relation to a given story, then it is assumed until proven impossible by subsequent evidence that their age remains constant during the entire duration of that story. This is especially relevant in the case of Azran Legacy, which takes place over the span of multiple months.
For example, Emmy’s age is stated to be 26 in Azran Legacy: it is thus assumed that her age is 26 from the moment she embarks on the Bostonius, up to the moment when she leaves Layton and the credits roll.
I wrote a python script (available here) which is able to take a list of requirements (e.g. “Event A took place x amount of time before Event B”) and a list of the characters’ known ages, and which will help find one possible combination of dates that suits all of these requirements. If you see in this timeline an extremely precise date that seems to come out of nowhere (see the Deduced Date column), this python script is the reason why this date was picked. As more and more information regarding the characters’ ages and time between events will be found, the list of possible combinations will decrease in size.
Do note that this script may contain errors and/or oversights, so please do review it carefully if you intend to use it, and let me know if you find any mistake!
In short, the Deduced Date column in the timeline is one possible date that happens to work so far, but which is absolutely not the only possibility. It is also extremely likely to change as more information is added to this timeline, which may or may not make these preliminary guesses impossible afterwards.
This timeline will completely disregard any parallels with real History, and only mention events and facts that have been stated in-universe. Even if we assume that the in-universe date is 1960, they have steampunk mechas, ancient civilisations with magic (you are not going to convince me that resurrecting the dead is not magic), dubious chemicals that definitely would not work that way according to our laws of physics. So even if they mention St Paul’s Cathedral, Scotland Yard or the Tower Bridge, it would be (in my opinion) a bit presumptuous to assume that they were built under the same conditions and at the same time as the versions we know in our world.
The same goes for real world events such as wars, major discoveries, or walking on the Moon; I will assume that they did not occur in the Layton universe until proven otherwise (in the case of Historical events); and then, if it does turn out that they took place in-universe, assume that they did not necessarily take place at the exact same time as in real History. The Layton series mentions going into space and landing on the Moon, which occurred in 1969 in our world: I will thus assume that in the Layton universe, especially since technology is more advanced than in our world’s 1960s, the Moon landing took place earlier; solving the apparent anachronism.
When referring to specific games, novels and other media, I will be using the American name rather than the European one (for example, “Diabolical Box” instead of “Pandora’s Box”). This is a purely arbitrary choice for simplicity purposes.
Deduced Date If you wonder what this column represents, see the Preliminary Notes. | Strictly Canon Estimation | Main Event | Known Character Ages |
1.2 million years ago Canonicity: Chapter 1 of Azran Legacy, Japanese dialogue:氷は少なく見積もっても、 “The ice is estimated to be at least 1.2 million years old.” | Aurora is sealedIt means that the Azran civilisation was nearing its end at this time; and thus, depending on how long the civilisation ruled the Earth, the beginning of their civilisation could be even older. inside the Sanctuary in Fröenborg. | ||
Before or during 1913 Canonicity: Around 50 years before the events of Diabolical Box. |
The following events take place in this order:
| ||
Thu. August 12, 1913 | August 12, 1913August 12Canonicity: Date given by Puzzle #030 of Diabolical Box (only for 🇯🇵 & 🇺🇸). 1913Canonicity: Diabolical Box takes place around the 50th anniversary of Dropstone’s foundation. | Dropstone is founded by Sophia. | |
After August 12, 1913 Canonicity: ふん、わがモレントリー鉄道の “Hmm, our 50th anniversary party in London for the Molentary Express Railway is going to be big.” The fact that the Molentary Express anniversary will be celebrated soon, but at a future and different date, seems to imply that the railway was founded on the same year as Dropstone, but after it. | The Molentary Express railway company is founded. | ||
Before 1932/1933 Canonicity: Chapter 5 of Azran Legacy, | Theodore Bronev is adopted by Roland and Lucille Layton and becomes Hershel Layton. | ||
| Hershel and Randall explore the ruins of Akbadain. | ||
Mon. August 22, 1953 | ~1953~1953Canonicity: This took place 10 years before Unwound Future. |
| ![]() 27 Canonicity: The in-game profile from Unwound Future for “Young Layton” states that he became professor at age 27. ![]() 13 Canonicity: Chapter 12 of Unwound Future, Japanese dialogue:その中に君の両親もいたんだ。 “Your parents were among them. |
Sat. September 10, 1953 | ~1953/1954 Roughly 6 years becore Last Specter. | Emmy meets Grosky and Layton for the first time in Scotland Yard. | ![]() 16 Canonicity: The World of Professor Layton refers to the character design for Emmy at this point in time as “16-year-old Emmy.” |
~1959 1 year before Eternal Diva |
Melina Whistler dies. |
![]() 22 Canonicity: ![]() Melina died one year before the Eternal Diva movie at age 22. |
Thu. February 23 onwards, 1960 | ~1960 3 years before Curious Village (link to the Japanese trailer!) |
Beginning of Professor Layton and the Last Specter. |
![]() 10 Canonicity: Luke’s in-game profile states that he is 10. ![]() 34 Canonicity: Emmy states during the Prologue that Layton is currently 34. |
~Spring 1960? | Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. |
![]() 48 Canonicity: ![]() ![]() 54 Canonicity: ![]() ![]() 7 Canonicity: ![]() ![]() 16 Canonicity: ![]() ![]() 32 Canonicity: ![]() ![]() 25 Canonicity: ![]() ![]() 45 Canonicity: ![]() ![]() 65 Canonicity: ![]() NB: All ages here have the same source, though the original official website for the movie is now inaccessible.The link to the Wayback Machine version of the website is provided here, however it will not display properly. It requires Flash and the only way anyone was able to make the content appear was to download a deliberately out-of-date browser. | |
Summer 1960 The novel spans over a few months, starting from early June to mid-/late July. |
Professor Layton and the Phantom Deity: a Japan-exclusive light novel fan-translated here. | ![]() 10 Canonicity: Luke says in the narration that he is 10 in Early June 1960. (add citation!) It does not seem to be the case, but it is not impossible for his age to change during the course of the novel, given the fact that it spans over a few months and his age is not mentioned again. |
~1961? | Professor Layton and the Illusory Forest: a Japan-exclusive light novel fan-translated here. | ||
~1961? 18 years after Hershel and Randall explored Akbadain. | Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. | ||
Mid-September 1962 // Mid-February 1963 | ~1962/1963? | Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. | |
Sun. August 2, 1963 | July 30– August 4 1963August 1–5Canonicity: London Holiday takes place only a few days after Curious Village ended, and this is the day when Layton receives Schrader’s letter from Diabolical Box. 1963Canonicity: In Unwound Future, Luke is 13; in Last Specter, he is 10; Last Specter took place 3 years before Curious Village. This means that Curious Village and Unwound Future took place during the same year. |
Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Layton and Luke arrive in St. Mystere and start investigating. | |
Mon. August 3, 1963 | August 1–5 1963August 1–5Canonicity: London Holiday takes place only a few days after Curious Village ended, and this is the day when Layton receives Schrader’s letter from Diabolical Box. 1963Canonicity: In Unwound Future, Luke is 13; in Last Specter, he is 10; Last Specter took place 3 years before Curious Village. This means that Curious Village and Unwound Future took place during the same year. |
Professor Layton and the Curious Village: second day. | |
Tue. August 4, 1963 | August 2–6 1963August 2–6Canonicity: London Holiday takes place only a few days after Curious Village ended, and this is the day when Layton receives Schrader’s letter from Diabolical Box. 1963Canonicity: In Unwound Future, Luke is 13; in Last Specter, he is 10; Last Specter took place 3 years before Curious Village. This means that Curious Village and Unwound Future took place during the same year. |
Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Layton and Luke solve the Golden Apple mystery and leave St. Mystere with Flora. | |
Sun. August 9, 1963 | Sunday, 7–9 August 1963SundayCanonicity: せっかくの日曜日だし、 Luke specifies that it is Sunday in the introduction. 7–9 AugustCanonicity: This took place a few days (meaning ~3-5 days) after Curious Village; and at the end of London Holiday, Layton receives the letter that starts the events of Diabolical Box. Similarly, Diabolical Box states that this letter was received a few days (数日前) before Layton, Luke and Flora board the Molentary Express (which happens on August 12). 1963Canonicity: This takes place between Curious Village and Diabolical Box, which are both set in 1963. | Professor Layton and the London Holiday: a Japan-exclusive Prologue to Diabolical Box, fully transcribed and fan-translated here.
| |
Wed. August 12, 1963 | August 12, 1963August 12Canonicity: Dropstone is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its foundation. 1963Canonicity: Because of the gap between Curious Village and Unwound Future, Diabolical Box has to take place during the same year as both games. | Layton, Luke and Flora board the Molentary Express and arrive in Dropstone. | ![]() 27 Canonicity: Barton’s in-game profile: こう見えて27歳の “Despite his appearance, Inspector Chelmey’s assistant, Constable Barton, is a mere 27 years old.” |
Autumn 1963Autumn 1963Canonicity: The events take place after Diabolical Box and before Unwound Future; autumn is mentioned as the season. | Professor Layton and the Wandering Castle: a Japan-exclusive light novel fan-translated here. | ||
Thu. December 31, 1963 | Winter of Late 1963 / Early 1964WinterCanonicity: It is snowing during the cutscene right before the credits. 1963/1964Canonicity: Official Japanese artwork | Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. | ![]() 13 Canonicity: Chapter 9 of Unwound Future, Japanese dialogue:僕はこの時代では “I should be 23 in this time!” Context:Luke says this when he realises that “Future Schrader” should have been surprised to see him as a teenager. |