London Holiday took place on a Sunday, a few days after Curious Village.
London Holiday: IntroductionFile: data_lt1/etext/e1_t0.txt
Luke | |
せっかくの日曜日だし、先生のところに遊びに行こうかな。 | It’s finally Sunday, so maybe I should visit the professor. |
London Holiday: IntroductionFile: data_lt1/bg/arasuji_bg.png
不思議な町で起きた事件から数日、研究室で、お気に入りの紅茶片手につかの間の休日を過ごすのだった···。 | A few days after an incident which occurred in a curious town, [Professor Layton] was spending his day off in his office, favourite black tea in hand… |
Layton inherited a new office from Dr Schrader around the same time as Curious Village. Luke was not able to see it until London Holiday.
London Holiday: Introduction
LukeFile: data_lt1/etext/e1_t1.txt | |
ここが先生の研究室かな?なんだか、ドキドキするなぁ。 | Is this the professor’s office? Somehow, my heart is pounding. |
LukeFile: data_lt1/etext/e2_t6.txt | |
ここが先生の新しい研究室ですね。 | So this is your new office? | LaytonFile: data_lt1/etext/e2_t7.txt |
ああ、私の恩師であるシュレーダー博士から譲り受けた研究室だよ。 | Yes, I have inherited it from my former mentor, Dr Schrader. |
先生は活動的な人だから、こんなせまい研究室では物足りなかったんだろうね。 | Sensei is a dynamic person, therefore I suppose that such a cramped office was insufficient. |
Schrader sent the letter to Layton about the Elysian Box on a Friday. Layton receives it two days later (London Holiday).
▸ London Holiday took place on a Sunday, a few days after Curious Village.
London Holiday: Conclusion
A letter was delivered to Layton… This was the beginning of a new case. |
Diabolical Box: PrologueFile: event/ev_t10/t10_030_600.txt
Layton | |
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 According to the postmark, this letter was sent two days ago. | |
消印は2日前になっている。 | The postmark is from two days ago. |
“Supermagnetism” is a physical property which causes certain materials to float (Jeremy Campbell’s research).
Wandering CastleChapter 4, Part 1 (Page 261)
Jeremy Campbell | |
「実験中、極低温状態にウランを置いたときに、ウランはまったく別の顔を見せた。ウランは反強磁性だ。つまり鉄とは逆で磁力にまったく反応しない。ところが超低温状態にすると逆に超磁性になり、浮くんだ」 | “During experimentation, just when we placed uranium under extremely low temperature conditions, it showed a completely different state. Uranium is antiferromagnetic, meaning that to the opposite of iron, it doesn’t respond at all to magnetic forces. But if we cool it down, on the contrary it becomes supermagnetic, and floats.” |
「これがいわゆるウランの二つの顔だね。相反するものが組み合わさったときに物質はとてつもなく強くなる。ウルロックは昔、閃光城の電磁力とウランを使ってそれをやってのけたと言われている。だからそれを物理的に解明したいと思うんだけど、いまだ果たせないんだよ」 | “This is what we call uranium’s two states. When opposites combine, matter becomes unbelievably strong. A long time ago, it is said that Ulrock used Flash Castle’s electromagnetic force and uranium, and managed to do just that. That’s why I want to figure this out physically, but I have yet to succeed.” |
Realistically, it is likely that the pseudo-scientific equivalent of a real world explanation for this phenomenon would be superconductivity and/or quantum locking. However, the word「超磁性」which would literally translate as “supermagnetism” is not an actual scientific term; instead, the Japanese words for superconductivity are rather 超伝導 or 超電導 (the latter being more specific to the electric kind of superconductivity, while the former can also refer to other kinds of conductivity, such as heat conductivity).
However, this excerpt describes what could have been originally intended as the description of a superconductor in a very “Artistic Licence” manner, and cannot apply to real world superconductivity; and the fact that it is quite relevant to the plot of Wandering Castle makes it difficult to ignore.
In real world physics, superconductivity is defined by the property of a material to have an electrical resistance of exactly zero and expell magnetic fields, not by the ability to levitate. Therefore, if we choose to side with the novel’s exact wording instead of with the artistic licence Doylist justification, then there exists in-universe a property of matter called “supermagnetism” which indeed causes matter to float.Although superconductivity is commonly associated with the image of a magnet floating above rails, levitation is only caused by the fact that said magnet floats on top of another non-superconductive magnet (which means that “floating” is highly restrictive in the context of a floating castle as would be the case in the Wandering Castle novel). The topic of superconductivity is actually far more complex and broad than just “cool magnet floats in the air,” and its underlying phenomenon of quantum locking in the case of Type II superconductors even requires knowledge in quantum physics in order to be properly understood.
Additionally, when this excerpt says “uranium,” it should be noted that Uranium as an element of the periodic table is not typically found in a pure state in the wild, at least not in the real world. Some materials which contain uranium as one of their core elements are indeed both antiferromagnetic and with the capability of becoming superconductors when cooled down, but they are not uranium in its pure state.
Donald Rutledge discovered the stone circle of Pleynoth/Pyllnoth/Planos.
Miracle Mask: Chapter 2File: lt5/arc/lt5_b.fa/txt/02/02_020030.xs
Collins | |
🇺🇸 One of Rutledge’s most interesting discoveries was the stone circle of Pyllnoth. | |
🇬🇧 Let’s move on to page 14. Rutledge’s most famous discovery was the ancient stone circle of Pleynoth. | |
テキスト14ページ。ドーン・ノーランは考古学的な大発見プレーノスのストーンサークルを見つける。 | Text page 14. Don Nolan finds an archaeological major discovery, the Stone Circle of Planos. |
This discovery was made long enough prior to the Miracle Mask flashbacks (18 years before the main events of Miracle Mask, ~20 years before the original trilogy) for it to appear in high school History/archaeology books.
Pleynoth/Pyllnoth/Planos was first believed to be a primitive holy site, but this was later disproved (JP/EU only).
Miracle Mask: Chapter 2File: lt5/arc/lt5_b.fa/txt/02/02_020030.xs
Collins | |
🇺🇸 Pyllnoth was theorized to be a primitive holy site. Some rather unique artifacts were discovered there. | |
🇬🇧 Early theories held that Pleynoth was a primitive holy site, but the finding of some intricate artefacts disproved that. | |
この遺跡は古代魔術に使われていたなどの見解があったが、それをひっくり返したのが幻と思われていた遺物の発見である。 | There were opinions that these historic ruins (the stone circle of Planos) were used in ancient magic for example, but what turned those upside down is the discovery of relics which were thought to be legendary. |
🇫🇷 On pensa au début que Pleynoth était un ancien site sacré. Cette hypothèse fut toutefois réfutée par les découvertes ultérieures d’artéfacts très élaborés. | It was first thought that Pleynoth was an ancient holy site. This hypothesis was however disproved by the later discoveries of highly sophisticated artefacts. |
Doris Pompitous demonstrated that the Azran had enhanced intelligence and a robust language.
Miracle Mask: Chapter 2File: lt5/arc/lt5_b.fa/txt/02/02_020030.xs
Collins | |
🇺🇸 [The] artifacts [found in Pleynoth] were the basis for a complex comparative study by the noted biologist Doris Pompitous. She theorized that these ancient peoples exhibited heightened intelligence as well as an elaborate language. | |
🇬🇧 [The] artefacts [which disproved the theory that Pleynoth was a primitive holy site] were the basis for a fascinating comparative study by the palaeontologist Doris Pompitous. Based on a wide range of evidence from different fields, Pompitous came up with radically new ideas about this civilisation. She theorised that they were scientifically advanced and had a language as evolved as our own. | |
この同時期に生物学者であるコーネル・パンパトスが発表した古代人や古生物に対する見解も面白い。彼らは高い知能を持ち、優れた言語を持っていたと発表されている。 | In that same period there is biologist(*) Cornell Panpatos (who) published in regards to ancient men and palaeontology (and who has) fascinating opinions too. They held great intelligence, had superior language, (this is what) is published. |
🇫🇷 Ces artéfacts firent l’objet d’une étude comparative fascinante dirigée par la paléontologue Doris Pompitous. Doris Pompitous émit, preuves à l’appui, de nouvelles théories radicales concernant les civilisations anciennes. Celles-ci auraient été très avancées, tant sur le plan scientifique que sur celui de la communication. | These artefacts were the subject of a fascinating comparative study directed by palaeontologist Doris Pompitous. Doris Pompitous formulated, with supporting evidence, new radical theories regarding ancient civilisations. These [ancient civilisations] would have been extremely advanced, both scientifically and in terms of communication. |
(*) “Biologist” (生物学者) and “Palaeontologist” (古生物学者) are very close words in Japanese, with palaeontologist being literally “old + biologist.” It is possible that “Cornell Panpatos” from the Japanese version was a palaeontologist instead of a biologist, but that the ‘old’ part was omitted due to the context being all about archaeology; this would explain the discrepancy between the US and EU translations.
Doris Pompitous demonstrated that Earth once had a completely different ecosystem.
Miracle Mask: Chapter 2File: lt5/arc/lt5_b.fa/txt/02/02_020030.xs
Collins | |
🇺🇸 Furthermore, through extensive fossil analysis, she proved that Earth once had an entirely different ecosystem. | |
🇬🇧 Furthermore, through extensive fossil analysis, she proved that Earth once had a completely different ecosystem. | |
生態系も今とは異なり、絶滅してしまった様々な生き物たちの化石が残されていたのは有名な話だな。 | The ecosystem differed from today’s, (and) it is well known that fossils of various extinct creatures remained. |
Aurora was sealed in the Froenborg Sanctuary
at least 1.2 million years ago.
Azran Legacy: Chapter 1File: lt6/arc/lt6_b.fa/txt/01/01_010220.xs
Sycamore | |
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 I would estimate that this ice is a million years old… possibly more. | |
氷は少なく見積もっても、120万年前のものだ。 | The ice is estimated to be at least 1.2 million years old. |
🇫🇷 D’après mes estimations, la glace s’est formée il y a plus d’un million d’années. | According to my estimations, the ice was formed more than a million years ago. |
The Azran civilisation was nearing its end at this time, therefore its birth could be even older.
The existence of the Azran amongst the general public is still up to debate even by the time Azran Legacy begins.
Azran Legacy: Chapter 1File: lt6/arc/lt6_b.fa/txt/01/01_010220.xs
Layton’s response to Sycamore upon seeing Aurora trapped in ice:
Layton | |
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Were tests to confirm this, we would have concrete proof of the most ancient civilisation ever known… | |
ということは、それが証明されれば最古の文明の存在が発見されたことになる。 | So that means, if [Sycamore’s estimation of the ice’s age] is confirmed, the discovery of the existence of the oldest civilisation will have been made. |
🇫🇷 Dans ce cas, nous aurions devant nous une représentante de la civilisation la plus ancienne ayant jamais existé. | In that case, we would have before us a representative of the oldest civilisation to have ever existed. |
Sycamore deduced that Aurora was alive because the ice around her body is 6°C higher than the rest.
Azran Legacy: Chapter 1File: lt6/arc/lt6_b.fa/txt/01/01_010220.xs
Sycamore | |
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 The heat from her body creates a temperature gradient within the ice. It’s not much, but it’s a clear sign of life. | |
氷の中の少女の体の部分は、他の部分よりも6度も温度が高い。わずかだが…少女の体は、生命活動を行っていると考えられる。 | The parts of ice around the girl’s body have a temperature 6°C higher than the other parts. (It’s) small but… The girl’s body, it is thought that it’s performing life activity. |
🇫🇷 Eh bien, la chaleur de son corps crée des écarts de température dans la glace. Ce n’est pas grand-chose, mais je pense que c’est la preuve qu’elle est toujours en vie. | Well, the heat from her body creates gaps in temperature within the ice. It’s not much, but I think it’s evidence that she is still alive. |
Sycamore | |
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 I cannot say what kind of scientific or biological phenomena are at work here… But she appears to be in suspended animation—some sort of cryogenic sleep. | |
あの少女の体に、どういう異変が起こっているのかはわからないが…。SF小説に出てくる、『コールドスリープ』のような概念で人間の体が保存されたとも考えられる。 | I don’t know what kind of anomalies are happening in that girl’s body, but… It is also thought that the human body was preserved in a concept similar to “cold sleep” from science-fiction novels. |
🇫🇷 J’avoue être incapable d’expliquer quels phénomènes scientifiques entrent en jeu ici. Il semble néanmoins que le froid ait permis à cette jeune fille de survivre en hibernation. | I have to admit that I am incapable of explaining what kind of scientific phenomena are at play here. It seems nonetheless that the cold has allowed this young girl to survive in hibernation. |
The Azran golems’ beam caused Targent’s machinery to start floating, then explode; but Froenborg’s houses only exploded without levitating first.
Azran Legacy: Cutscene #24File: lt6/arc/lt6_b.fa/evt/mov/m24.xq
It could be because Targent’s tanks and helicopters are mostly metallic, or it could be because the houses simply are rooted into the ground deeply enough for the levitating effect to not be noticeable before the explosion.
If you consider that Jeremy Campbell’s research mentioned in Wandering Castle does imply that there is a “supermagnetic” state for some materials which causes them to float (see the #physics tag), then perhaps the golems’ beam can apply this property to certain materials. Additionally, perhaps this is also the reason why the golems and the Sanctuary are able to float themselves.